Does Taking Honey Cure Coughing?

Does Taking Honey Cure Coughing?

Honey has been around for centuries as food and medicine. It has antimicrobial properties, so it's really the first antibiotic ointment. But, does it cure coughing?


Diarrhea Horror Story

Diarrhea Horror Story

There’s a chill in the air as the cold hands slowly creep upon us, or a sudden appearance of a longhaired girl behind you in the middle of the night. But we know tales of something far more frightening (and hilarious). Tales that will leave you holding onto your butts.

前几天爸妈出差去了。这几天肚子有点胀,便秘好几天了。早上起床泡了杯减肥茶想清清肠。不巧中午大姨妈来了。下午瑶瑶叫我去逛街。我怕下午会拉肚子,所以带了卫生巾。 ...

How Food Affects Brain Function May Be Beyond Your Imagination

How Food Affects Brain Function May Be Beyond Your Imagination

"You are what you eat", the food you choose may show your personal preferences and tastes, or reveal whether you care about environmental sustainability, but what is most relevant to you is that...

「人如其食」,你选择的食物可能展现个人的偏好与品味,或者透露了你是否关心环境永续发展,但与自身最息息相关的是,食物影响了大脑运作、生长发育、活力,甚至情绪起伏。 ...

Latin America's Best Pastry Chef Jesus Escalera - Breaking Through the Boundary of Sweet and Savory

Latin America’s Best Pastry Chef Jesús Escalera – Breaking Through the Boundary of Sweet and Savory

Jesús Escalera, the 32-year-old award-winning chef behind La Postrería restaurant in Mexico, is the force behind a new trend in the pastry world – although he prefers to call it the ‘sweet world’ or ‘dessert world’, as the word ‘pastry’ is too narrow for the task he has undertaken.

对很多人来说,饭后少了甜点,总嫌不够满足。然而,甜点出现的时间可以不只是一餐的结尾,其味道也不一定非得甜滋滋。西班牙主厨 Jesús Escalera 就打破了这些既定印象。 ...

The Loneliest Whale in the World

The Loneliest Whale in the World

For 24 years, researchers have been tracking the migration of a whale which has a unique sonic signature - so unique that it appears to have never found a mate.

1989年科学家发现了一只须鲸。这只须鲸由于发声频率不同于其他须鲸。自从它被发现以来,就始终孤单,没有同伴理会。 ...

Man in Hong Kong Beaten Outside Theater For Spoiling Avengers Endgame

Man in Hong Kong Beaten Outside Theater For Spoiling Avengers: Endgame

The movie, ‘Avengers: Endgame’, that fans have been looking forward to was finally in theaters this month. However, one man vigorously revealed the critical plot at the gate of the theater after he watched the movie in Hong Kong.


Jack Ma Endorses China's Controversial 996 Work Culture

Jack Ma Endorses China’s Controversial “996” Work Culture

Jack Ma, the founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba, has spoken out on social media in recent days in support of the Chinese work practice known as "996."

4月14日消息,近日马云在其个人微博上发布了自己对996 工作制的看法,他表示如果你选择通过努力奋斗来赢得自己的幸福和成功,那么「公司能够996 是我们这些人修来的福」,加入阿里,就要做好一天工作12 小时的准备。 ...

Earth Sees First Image Of A Black Hole

Darkness Visible: Earth Sees First Image Of A Black Hole

Astronomers announced on Wednesday that at last they had captured an image of the unobservable: a black hole. Not only is it an important milestone in the astronomical world, but also an extraordinary achievement for mankind.


Should Professional Card Players Be Punished for Using Drugs?

Should Professional Card Players Be Punished for Using Drugs?

Last year, Geir Helgemo, the world's number one bridge player, was suspended for a year. Helgemo is positive for the detection of prohibited chemicals, which are often used in dynamic sports. But, the drugs are deemed not beneficial for performance in card games such as bridge.

去年,世界排名第一的桥牌选手Geir Helgemo遭停赛一年。 Helgemo对于违禁化学物质的检测为阳性,此物质常被使用在动态运动,像是单车、举重与武术上。事实上,Helgemo与Lance Armstrong在环法自行车赛用来作弊的药物是相同的。...

The Success Diary

The Success Diary

The Success Diary is a series that speaks about people's accomplishments in life. The first of the series starts with a new entrepreneur in Taiwan's beauty industry.


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