Sulli’s Death and The Battle Against Cyber-bullying

Sulli’s death has exposed the dark side of the Korean entertainment industry that propelled a global craze.

Simplified Chinese

韩国流行音乐(K-pop) 女明星雪莉(Sulli1014号过世。雪莉的死因是自杀;她上吊自杀。雪莉的经纪人是发现雪莉尸体的第一个人。雪莉的死因还在调查中,粉丝和其他韩国流行音乐明星都在网上表示悼念。






Traditional Chinese

韓國流行音樂(K-pop) 女明星雪莉(Sulli)10月14號過世。雪莉的死因是自殺;她上吊自殺。雪莉的經紀人是發現雪莉屍體的第一個人。雪莉的死因還在調查中,粉絲和其他韓國流行音樂明星都在網上表示悼念。

雪莉被懷疑患有嚴重的憂鬱症,所以導致她想自殺。 2015年她離開偶像女子團體的時候,她也受到心理治療。雪莉去年曾經告訴媒體,自己患有恐慌症和社交恐懼症。






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English Translation

K-pop female star Sulli passed away on October 14. Sulli’s dead by suicide; she hanged herself. Sulli’s manager was the first person to discover Sulli’s body. Sulli’s death is still under investigation, and fans and other Korean pop music stars have expressed their grievances online.

Sulli was suspected of suffering from severe depression, which led her to commit suicide. When she left the idol women’s group in 2015, she was also treated with psychotherapy. Sulli told the media last year that she had panic disorder and social phobia.

Her death shocked the Korean society and once again caused discussions about cyber-bullying and mental health. In addition to her own mental illness, Sulli also faced a lot of cyber-bullying on social media.

After leaving the women’s group in 2015, she told her fans openly that they could choose how to express their bodies. She also stated that she supports “No Bra (Movement)”. This has caused controversy in Korean society because it violates the traditional concept in Korea.

Many commentators believe that this is one of the reasons why Sulli was welcomed by young people. The South Korean journalist said that Sulli has become a legend because she is one of the female stars who expressed “my body, my choice” to fans and peers. At the same time, Sulli is also one of the Korean stars who have suffered the most serious cyber-bullying.

According to the report, Korean artists rarely confess to the media that they suffer from physical and mental illness, but the very brave Sulli is honest enough to admit her own problems. Sulli’s behavior is indeed unique in Korea.

Indonesia Translation

Bintang K-pop wanita Sulli meninggal pada tanggal 14 Oktober. Sulli meninggal karena bunuh diri; dia gantung diri. Manajer Sulli adalah orang pertama yang menemukan tubuh Sulli. Kematian Sulli masih dalam penyelidikan, dan para penggemar serta bintang musik pop Korea lainnya telah menyatakan duka mereka secara online.

Sulli diduga menderita depresi berat, yang menyebabkannya bunuh diri. Ketika dia meninggalkan grup idol-nya pada tahun 2015, dia juga mendapatkan terapi psikologis. Sulli mengatakan kepada media tahun lalu bahwa dia memiliki gangguan kepanikan dan fobia sosial.

Kematiannya mengejutkan masyarakat Korea dan sekali lagi menghangatkan diskusi tentang cyber-bullying dan kesehatan mental. Selain penyakit mentalnya sendiri, Sulli juga menghadapi banyak cyber-bullying di media sosial.

Setelah meninggalkan grup wanita pada tahun 2015, ia memberi tahu penggemarnya dengan terbuka ​​bahwa mereka dapat memilih cara untuk mengekspresikan tubuh mereka. Dia juga menyatakan bahwa dia mendukung “(Gerakan) Tidak Memakai Bra”. Hal ini menimbulkan kontroversi di masyarakat Korea karena melanggar konsep tradisional Korea.

Banyak komentator percaya bahwa ini adalah salah satu alasan mengapa Sulli disambut oleh kaum muda. Wartawan Korea Selatan mengatakan bahwa Sulli telah menjadi legenda karena dia adalah salah satu bintang wanita yang mengekspresikan “tubuh saya, pilihan saya” kepada penggemar dan teman sebaya. Pada saat yang sama, Sulli juga merupakan salah satu bintang Korea yang menderita cyber-bullying paling serius.

Menurut laporan, artis Korea jarang mengaku di media bahwa mereka menderita penyakit fisik dan mental, tetapi Sulli yang sangat berani cukup jujur ​​untuk mengakui masalahnya sendiri. Aksi Sulli memang unik di Korea.

Photo source here.

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