Coronavirus in Iran: Iran’s Vice President and Ministers Are Infected With Coronavirus

Coronavirus in Iran Iran’s Vice President and Ministers Are Infected With the Coronavirus

More senior government officials have caught the coronavirus in Iran than anywhere else.

Simplified Chinese







Traditional Chinese







English Translation

(22th March 2020) Many people in Iran have gotten sick. They got coronavirus pneumonia.

There are now more than 20,000 cases in Iran.

In addition to the people, many Iranian government officials have also contracted the disease. A few government officials have also passed away.

Iran’s Deputy Minister of Health and First Vice President have also contracted the disease.

Iran’s deputy minister of health stated in a press conference that he had contracted coronavirus pneumonia. He sweated during the conference. Sometimes he also coughed.

Now, he is in his own house (or “home”), in self-quarantine.

Indonesia Translation

Banyak pejabat senior pemerintah Iran yang terinfeksi virus corona dibanding dengan di tempat lain.

(23 Maret 2020) Banyak orang di Iran yang jatuh sakit. Mereka terkena penyakit COVID-19.

Sekarang ini, ada lebih dari 20.000 kasus di Iran.

Selain warga sipil, banyak pejabat pemerintah Iran juga yang terjangkit penyakit ini. Juga ada beberapa pejabat pemerintah meninggal [karena penyakit ini].

Wakil Menteri Kesehatan dan Wakil Presiden Pertama Iran juga mengidap penyakit itu.

Wakil Menteri kesehatan Iran menyatakan dalam sebuah konferensi pers bahwa ia mengidap COVID-19. Dia berkeringat selama konferensi. Terkadang dia juga batuk.

Sekarang, dia berada di rumahnya sendiri, mengisolasi dirinya sendiri.

Photo source here.

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