Woman Stabs Boyfriend To Death After He Calls Her Too Fat For Wanting Ice Cream

Woman Stabs Boyfriend To Death After He Calls Her Too Fat For Wanting Ice Cream

Think before you speak, boyfriends.

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If you have a girlfriend, be careful, don’t randomly say she is fat.

Recently in China, there is a couple. They were strolling around the streets. The girl saw someone selling ice cream, and then she told her boyfriend that she wanted to eat ice cream.

When the boyfriend heard that she wanted to buy ice cream, he said, “You’re so fat, yet still want to eat ice cream.”

The girl was furious after hearing it. She picked up a knife from a nearby store and stabbed the boyfriend’s chest. The boyfriend died not long after.

Therefore, we should not say women fat. She may be very sensitive to the word “fat”. Maybe because after she heard the word, she felt that she was worthless and could not be liked by other people.

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Jika Anda punya pacar, berhati-hatilah, jangan asal mengatakan dia gemuk.

Baru-baru ini di China, ada pasangan. Mereka sedang jalan-jalan. Gadis itu melihat seseorang menjual es krim, dan kemudian dia memberi tahu pacarnya bahwa dia ingin makan es krim.

Ketika pacar itu mendengar bahwa dia ingin membeli es krim, dia berkata, “Kamu sangat gemuk, namun masih ingin makan es krim.”

Gadis itu marah setelah mendengarnya. Dia mengambil pisau dari toko terdekat dan menikam dada pacarnya. Pacarnya meninggal tak lama setelah itu.

Karena itu, kita tidak boleh mengatakan wanita gemuk. Dia mungkin sangat sensitif terhadap kata “gemuk”. Mungkin karena setelah dia mendengar kata itu, dia merasa bahwa dia tidak berharga dan tidak dapat disukai oleh orang lain.


Photo source here.

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