Thai AirAsia Plane’s Engine Explodes Minutes After Takeoff

Thai AirAsia Plane's Engine Explodes Minutes After Takeoff

A plane with terrified 58 passengers turned back to make an emergency landing after one of the engines caught fire.

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The plane is the safest means of transportation in the world, and we often travel by plane to various places.

However, on September 6, 2019, an Airbus A320 passenger plane flying to Bangkok, Thailand, was forced to make an emergency landing shortly after taking off from Malé International Airport in the Maldives.

Can you imagine how did an engine making a huge sound and bursting flames during the climb look like? Can you imagine the feelings of the passenger and the scene at the time? Fortunately, the aircraft shut down the burning engines and stopped climbing, successfully returning to Malé International Airport and landing safely. No one was injured.

The Person-In-Charge of the airline said: “Our pilots have received good professional training. One of the Airbus A320’s design concepts is a safe flight even if only one engine is running normally. Even though the passengers on the plane heard a huge sound and saw the flame, it did not threaten the safety of the passengers.”

Although the responsible person explained this, we still do not want to have such an experience. Hope that every journey of ours will be safe and sound.

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Pesawat adalah moda transportasi teraman di dunia, dan kita sering bepergian dengan pesawat ke berbagai tempat.

Namun, pada 6 September 2019, sebuah pesawat penumpang Airbus A320 yang terbang ke Bangkok, Thailand, terpaksa melakukan pendaratan darurat tak lama setelah lepas landas dari Bandara Internasional Malé di Maladewa.

Bisakah Anda membayangkan seperti apa rasanya melihat mesin membuat suara nyaring dan nyala api pada saat lepas landas? Bisakah Anda membayangkan perasaan penumpang dan pemandangan saat itu? Untungnya, pesawat mematikan mesin yang terbakar dan berhenti terbang lebih tinggi, sehingga berhasil kembali ke Bandara Internasional Malé dan mendarat dengan selamat. Tidak ada yang terluka.

Penanggungjawab dari maskapai mengatakan: “Pilot kami telah menerima pelatihan profesional yang baik. Salah satu konsep desain Airbus A320 adalah penerbangan yang aman bahkan jika hanya ada satu mesin yang berjalan normal. Meskipun para penumpang di pesawat mendengar suara besar dan melihat nyala api, itu tidak mengancam keselamatan para penumpang.”

Meskipun orang yang bertanggung jawab telah menjelaskan seperti ini, kami masih tidak ingin memiliki pengalaman seperti itu. Semoga setiap perjalanan kita akan aman dan selamat.


Photo source here.

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