Termites Eat Through A Chinese Lady’s Life Savings

Termites Eat Through A Chinese Lady's Life Savings

Think again before you decide that your money is safe inside the wardrobe.

Simplified Chinese





Traditional Chinese






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English Translation

Ms. Liu, who lives in Guangxi Province, encountered one thing due to carelessness. She did not remember when she put a bundle of 100 yuan into the wardrobe inside her room. When she was looking for her clothes, she realized that the money had been bitten by termites.

Then, Ms. Liu came to the bank with a plastic bag containing a pile of money bitten by termites, telling the bank staff what happened. The bank staff patiently sorted out the banknotes that were bitten by termites and then stuck them to the paper one by one.

The bank staff told Ms. Liu that the money could be exchanged for 6,900 yuan. If the money was too broken, there was no way to exchange it. After knowing this news, Ms. Liu was happy a little bit. Before she came, she was afraid that the bank would not accept the exchange.

Ms. Liu said that this is “spending money to learn something”, and later she will not put money in the wardrobe again!

Indonesia Translation

Nona Liu, yang tinggal di Provinsi Guangxi, mengalami satu hal karena kecerobohan. Dia tidak ingat kapan dia menaruh seikat uang lembaran 100 yuan ke lemari pakaian di dalam kamarnya. Ketika dia mencari pakaiannya, dia menyadari bahwa uang itu telah digigit rayap.

Kemudian, Nona Liu datang ke bank dengan kantong plastik berisi setumpuk uang yang telah digigit rayap, memberi tahu staf bank apa yang terjadi. Staf bank dengan sabar memilah-milah uang kertas yang digigit rayap dan kemudian menempelkannya ke kertas satu per satu.

Staf bank memberi tahu Nona Liu bahwa uang itu dapat ditukar menjadi 6.900 yuan. Jika uangnya terlalu rusak, tidak ada cara untuk menukarnya. Setelah mengetahui berita ini, Nona Liu sedikit senang. Pada awalnya sebelum dia datang ke bank, dia takut bank tidak akan menerima penukaran uang.

Nona Liu berkata bahwa ini adalah “mengeluarkan uang untuk belajar sesuatu”, dan kemudian dia tidak akan memasukkan uang ke dalam lemari pakaian lagi!

Photo source here.

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