Maurice The Rooster Wins The Court After Lawsuit Accused Him Of Making Too Much Noise

Maurice the rooster’s early morning cock-a-doodle-doo won’t be silenced after neighbors filed a lawsuit over the noise.

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English Translation

Maurice, the French rooster, due to crowing in the early morning, was taken to court by the neighbors. However, the French District Court sentenced Maurice’s owner, Fesseau, to win the case, saying that the rooster has the right to continue crowing in the early morning.

The retired couples from France said, every 4 a.m. early in the morning, they are always awakened by Maurice’s ear-piercing crows, ruining the calm of the holiday. They want Maurice to leave the town, or even find a way to stop it from crowing.

Fesseau said that no one had complained to Morris before the retired couple who bought the holiday cottage moved next door. She had tried several ways to try to make Maurice quiet. This includes covering the house with black sheets and making it think it’s not dawn. However, all these things are unsuccessful.

In the end, Maurice won. The complainant must pay its owner compensation of 1000 euros. For this judgment, Fesseau yelled “Cocorico” (the French of crowing sound) outside the courtroom . She also said that she was so excited that she is almost unable to speak. She said: “For people like me, this is a victory.”

Indonesia Translation

Maurice, seekor ayam jago dari Perancis, dibawa ke pengadilan oleh tetangga karena berkokok di pagi hari. Namun, Pengadilan Distrik Perancis memvonis pemilik Maurice, Fesseau, kemenangan untuk kasus tersebut, dengan mengatakan bahwa ayam jago tersebut memiliki hak untuk terus berkokok di pagi hari.

Pasangan pensiunan dari Perancis mengatakan, setiap jam 4 pagi, mereka selalu terbangun oleh suara berkokok Maurice yang menyakitkan telinga, merusak ketenangan liburan mereka. Mereka ingin Maurice meninggalkan kota, atau bahkan menemukan cara untuk menghentikannya berkokok.

Fesseau mengatakan bahwa tidak ada yang mengeluh kepada Morris sebelum pasangan pensiunan yang membeli pondok liburan tersebut pindah ke sebelah. Dia telah mencoba beberapa cara untuk mencoba membuat Maurice diam. Ini termasuk menutupi rumah dengan kain hitam dan membuatnya berpikir bahwa itu bukan fajar. Namun, semua hal ini tidak berhasil.

Pada akhirnya, Maurice menang. Pelapor harus membayar ganti rugi kepada pemiliknya sebesar € 1000. Atas keputusan ini, Fesseau berteriak “Cocorico” (bahasa Perancis dari suara berkokok) di luar ruang sidang. Dia juga mengatakan bahwa dia sangat gembira sehingga dia hampir tidak dapat berkata apa-apa. Dia berkata: “Bagi orang-orang seperti saya, ini adalah sebuah kemenangan.”

Photo source here.

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