Chinese Zodiac Story: Why Cats Always Chase Mice?

Chinese Zodiac Story Why Cats Always Chase Mice

Do you know why cats always chase mice? There is a good Chinese legend around this.

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English translation:

Do you know is your Chinese zodiac? There is tiger zodiac, and there is mouse zodiac. Is there a cat zodiac? No. How can there be a mouse, but not a cat? There is a story here.

A long time ago, one day, people said, “We have to choose twelve kinds of animals as the zodiac, one animal a year.” But there are many kinds of animals in the world, how do we choose? How about this, we set a day, and on this day, the animals will sign up, and the first twelve animals will become the zodiac.

Cats and mice are neighbors and good friends, and they all want to sign up. The cat said, “We have to get up early to sign up, but I love to sleep late. What should I do?” The mouse said, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, I will wake you up and call you, and we will go together.” The cat listened and felt happy, said: “You are really my good friend, thank you.”

On the day of registration, the mouse woke up very early, but it only thought of its own things and forgot about the good friend cat. It went to sign up on its own. As a result, the mouse was selected. What about the cat? The cat got up too late because he overslept, and when it arrived, the twelve animals had already been selected. When the cat was not selected, it then became angry to the mouse, and the blamed the mouse for not waking the cat up.

From then on, the cat wants to eat the mouse as soon as it sees it.

Special notes:

  • 屬 – shǔ – belongs to (Chinese zodiac)
  • 生肖 – shēngxiào – Chinese zodiac. For more explanations, you can read it on the wiki
  • 睡懶覺 – shuìlǎnjiào – sleep late

The photo is taken from here.  

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