The Other Meaning of “Stir-Fried Squid” in Chinese

The Other Meaning of "Stir-Fried Squid" in Chinese

Do you know that “stir-fried squid” also has another meaning in Chinese?

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English Translation

“To stir-fry squid” is a term that is often used in the current working places, the meaning is to be fired by the boss.

Originally, stir-fried squid is a delicacy. What is the connection between this dish and firing someone?

As soon as a squid is stir-fried, it will start rolling up. Because of this, the word “stir-fried squid” is also used to signify getting rid of someone, make him leave the company.

In the ancient society of China, at the end of every year, the boss would invite his workers for a meal. If the boss gave a chicken leg to a worker, it meant that this worker had had a rough year, and that he would continue to run errands! If he gave a chicken wing to a worker, it meant that the worker would leave this place and go and find another job. Therefore, that worker was “stir-fried (squid)”.

Nowadays, if some young people who are fired due to low performance might say: “I stir-fried squid the boss!” (I fired the boss!). Obviously the “stir-fried (fired)” person was him, but instead, he says that he fired someone else. This is just a way of comforting himself by joking.

Indonesia Translation

“Cumi-cumi goreng” adalah istilah yang sering digunakan dalam pekerjaan saat ini, artinya dikeluarkan dari bos.

Cumi-cumi goreng awalnya adalah hidangan yang lezat. Apa hubungan antara diusir dan hidangan ini?

Segera setelah cumi-cumi digoreng, cumi itu akan segera bergulung. Oleh karena itu, istilah “cumi-cumi goreng” juga digunakan untuk mengusir orang lain dan membiarkan orang lain meninggalkan perusahaan.

Pada akhir setiap tahun dalam masyarakat Tiongkok kuno, bos akan mengajak para pekerja untuk makan. Jika bos memberikan kaki ayam kepada pekerja, itu berarti pekerja telah bekerja keras selama setahun dan akan terus menjalankan tugas tahun depan! Jika Anda memberikan sayap ayam kepada seorang pekerja, ini berarti pekerja tersebut disuruh pergi dari sini tahun depan dan mencari pekerjaan lain. Dengan kondisi seperti itu, artinya pekerja itu “dipecat”.

Sekarang, beberapa anak muda yang berperforma buruh di perusahaan dan diusir oleh bos, akan berkata, “Saya menggoreng (memecat) bos!” Jelas bahwa dia sendiri yang “dipecat”, tetapi dia mengatakan bahwa dia “memecat” orang lain. Ini hanya cara untuk menghibur dirinya sendiri dengan candaan.

Photo source here.

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